September 2024

The process to appoint the next Bishop of Richborough is now well under way. Those responsible for making the appointment are meeting to discuss the requirements of the parishes and three candidates have been short-listed for interview in late September. If a preferred candidate is identified on that occasion his name will be sent to the Prime Minister who will pass it on to the King who may graciously choose to confirm the appointment before referring the matter back to 10 Downing Street.

If all goes according to plan an announcement may be made at some point in November. A consecration service will then be booked. This could be at Canterbury Cathedral or York Minister although there are other possibilities. I understand that the first consecration service after November is at Candlemas. As a footnote, if a candidate is not chosen in September the See of Richborough will go back to the bottom of the pile and the process will start again. This even happens with the appointment of diocesan bishops (and has happened recently). Please pray that the candidate of God’s choice will be successful this Autumn.

Bishops are appointed to a position of leadership within the Church, something that will be readily understood in today’s world. Beyond that bishops are to be guardians of the truths passed down to us from our Lord in the Scriptures and from his apostles and the fathers of the Church. They are called to stand firm against heresy and all false teaching and practices so that Jesus’ disciples in every age can remain faithful to their calling. Bishops are also signs of unity and are called to protect the flock from schism, working together collegially so that God’s people may be one (after Jesus’ ‘high priestly prayer’ in John 17).

The leadership function of the bishop can easily degenerate into managerialism in our present culture and bishops often fail to be faithful teachers and signs of unity which is all the more reason why we should pray fervently that a faithful pastor, teacher and Father-in-God may be appointed. Our bishops fulfil practical functions like confirming and ordaining, but they also lead their people in ministry and mission, providing the inspiration and impetus that we need in the parishes.

On a not unrelated note, our sister parish in Luton, Holy Cross, Marsh Farm is currently in vacancy. An advertisement for a new priest will appear in New Directions in September and it is hoped that applicants will be interviewed towards the end of October. Please pray for the people of Marsh Farm and for the congregation of Holy Cross as they wait in hope.

Pray for this nation, for a renewed sense of unity and for wise and Godly leaders.

For many years there has been a practice at St. Peter’s of paying for the weekly aumbry lamp in memory of a loved one or for a particular intention. If you are interested in sponsoring a lamp please contact Chris Hudson on 020 8950 3451 or speak to Father Andrew. The minimum donation is £5-00. If you wish, your intention can be shared with the congregation through the weekly pewsheet.

It is also possible to sponsor one of the blue or red votive lights which are placed before various statues and icons around the church. A minimum donation of £2.00 is requested for one of these. Again you may request that your intention is included on the pewsheet.

In addition there are candles on the votive candle stand in the Lady Chapel which you can light for a minimum donation of 20 pence.

Sunday 25th August, Trinity 13
8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Parish Mass

Wednesday 28th August, 10.00am Mass
Friday 30th August, 7.00pm Mass

Sunday 1st September, Trinity 14
8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Parish Mass

Wednesday 4th September, 10.00am Mass
Friday 6th September, 7.00pm Mass

Sunday 8th September, Trinity 15
8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Parish Mass
11.15am Family Service

Wednesday 11th September, 10.00am Mass
Friday 13th September, 7.00pm Mass

Sunday 15th September
8.00am Holy Communion (Trinity 16)
9.30am Parish Mass (Exaltation of the Holy Cross)

Wednesday 18th September, 10.00am Mass
8.00pm Parochial Church Council in the Parish Hall
Friday 20th September, 7.00pm Mass

Sunday 22nd September, Trinity 17
8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Parish Mass

Wednesday 25th September, 10.00am Mass
Friday 27th September no service

Sunday 29th September, St. Michael and All Angels
8.00am no service
9.30am Parish Mass (Father Mike Still)

Wednesday 2nd October, 10.00am Mass
Friday 4th October, 7.00pm Mass (St. Francis of Assisi)

Sunday 6th October, Trinity 19
8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Parish Mass

no mid-week services

Sunday 13th October, Harvest Thanksgiving
8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Parish Mass
11.15am Family Service

Is it time you thought about being confirmed in your faith by the bishop and admitted into full communion with the Church? If you would like to explore the possibilities please have a word with Father Andrew.

Bushey Interfaith Forum

“How our faiths help us cope with loss & bereavement”

Thursday 28th November at 7.30pm

at the Parish Centre, Sacred Heart Church, London Road, Bushey, WD23 1BA.

Entrance is free and includes light refreshments.

2nd August                    Beryl Parkin (92 years)