February 2025

Lent and Easter are late this year which leaves a lengthy gap between Epiphany and Ash Wednesday. Knowing that the latter is approaching it is our usual practice to reflect on the negative things in our lives so that we can, by the grace of God, try to deal with them in preparation for the celebration of the Paschal mysteries and always for the Last Day. As there is extra time available to us it would be a shame to dwell on the negative too soon. Instead might we spend extra time rejoicing in the presence of the Word made flesh and the roles of the Holy Family, shepherds and magi in the gospel story?

As I write, preparations are being made for Candlemas on 2nd February. The Presentation of Christ in the Temple is a joyful celebration reflecting a high point in the life of the Holy Family. As part of our continued celebration of Christmas and Epiphany why not spend some time in thanksgiving for our own ‘high points’ especially those which are part of our journey of faith?

You might not remember this, but you could reflect upon your baptism. No doubt you make note of your birthday even if you have managed to devise a method of diluting its impact as the years move by, but why forget the moment when you became a Christian, joining the world-wide fellowship of the faithful disposed across the ages?

Remember also your confirmation when you made a more mature commitment to the Lord. This and our first communion mark a dramatic change in our relationship to the Church and provide a stepping stone into the future as conscious and purposeful disciples of Jesus. Who confirmed you and where? Who else was there? Most people remember who the bishop was on such a wonderful occasion. A former Bishop of Birkenhead once recalled that he was approached one evening after a confirmation service by an elderly lady who told him. ‘I was confirmed by you in 1929’. She had not forgotten who officiated all those years ago even if she was confused about the holder of the office!

Think also of other occasions when God has been close to you, when you have felt his presence and have been able to communicate with him more clearly in prayer. There might be one occasion or there might have been several which you can see as moments of conversion – a change of approach or attitude within you along with a sense of renewal in the Christian task. These moments could be at any time before or after baptism or confirmation. Thank God that at these times you knew his presence more keenly and were aware of a sense of belonging. ‘I have called you by your name; you are mine’. The memory of these times never leaves us even if, in our worse moments, we try to bury it by reasserting our old selves and trying to get back to where we once were, maybe where we thought we were more comfortable and secure. Instead why not recover such memories and spend time giving thanks for them? After all we spend a lot of time rehearsing the stories of others from the Bible and lives of the saints – why not enjoy our own stories a little more!

If you follow this through in any way I hope that you will remember many good times: people and places, times of creativity and adventure, joyful routines of prayer and study – some things that you could describe as ‘fun’. Life shouldn’t be all dull and miserable, even in February!

Image by Presley Hirsch on Unsplash

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