Tradition & Ministry


The tradition of St. Peter’s is orthodox catholic, with the Mass in its various forms at the centre of Sunday and weekday worship.

Following the Act of Synod in 1993, the PCC elected in 1994 to pass Resolutions A,B and C. Since that date, the parish has been in the episcopal care of the Bishop of Richborough, currently The Rt Revd Norman Banks. In 2015 the PCC passed the resolution in accordance with the House of Bishops’ Declaration on the Ministry of Bishops and Priests in order to maintain the Apostolic faith and remain within the See of Richborough.

The parish is also affiliated to the Society under the patronage of St. Wilfred and St. Hilda.


Normal Sunday services are an 8am Communion using the Book of Common Prayer and a 9.30am sung Parish Eucharist using Common Worship on two Sundays and the Book of Common Prayer on the second and fourth Sundays. Once a month there is a Family Service at 11.15am. The date of this service varies so please check the monthly newsletter for details or fill out the contact form on this site.

During the week the Mass is celebrated on Wednesday at 10.00am and Friday at 7.00pm. Check the newsletter for occasional variations to this pattern. Additional services are held on Festivals and on Greater Holy Days.

The Healing Ministry has for some years been an integral part of the prayer life of St. Peter’s. At the Parish Eucharist on the first Sunday of each month, a fully trained Healing team working in pairs, offers the Laying on of Hands in the Lady Chapel. The Healing team also visits, on request, the housebound, the sick and the distressed, either in hospital or at home.

The vicar welcomes enquiries about Baptism, Marriage and Confirmation. The Sacrament for the Sick, the Churching of Women, the Blessing of Houses and Confession are available by appointment.